2005-11-29 | 15:00 蒙民伟楼404会议室 2D Methods in Pattern Analysis 张道强博士 计算机科学与技术系在站博士后 |
2005-11-22 | 15:00 蒙民伟楼404会议室 Uni-party and bi-party community generation Zhongfei Zhang, Associate Professor, Computer Science Department, T.J. Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science, State University of New York at Binghamton |
2005-10-18 | 15:00 蒙民伟楼404会议室 Multicue Energy-Driven HMM-UKF for Real-Time Object Tracking Dr. Yong Rui, Microsoft Research Redmond, USA. |
2005-09-19 | 14:30 蒙民伟楼109报告厅 Single Model versus Matching Model Dr. Kai Ming Ting, Gippsland School of Computing and Information Technology, Monash University, Australia |
2005-07-05 | 14:30 蒙民伟楼404会议室 In-Depth Data Mining Chengqi Zhang, Professor, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia |
2005-03-24 | 15:00 蒙民伟楼404会议室 Granular Computing: A New Problem Solving Paradigm T. Y. Lin, Professor, Department of Computer Science, San Jose State University, USA |
2005-03-22 | 15:00 蒙民伟楼404会议室 Semantic Data and Knowledge Engineering for Complex Applications Chen-Yu (Phillip) Sheu, Professor, IEEE Fellow, University of California, Irvine, USA |
2005-03-05 | 14:30 蒙民伟楼404会议室 脑电信号的研究与应用 王蔚博士, 南京师范大学 |