2008-12-25 | 2008年12月25日(星期四),10:30~11:30,蒙民伟楼404会议室 DiscLDA: Discriminative Learning for Dimensionality Reductionand Classification Fei Sha Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science, University of Southern California, USA |
2008-12-24 | 2008年12月24日(星期三),14:30~15:30,蒙民伟楼404会议室 Unifying Discriminative Visual Codebook Generation with Classifier Training for Object Category Recognition Rong Jin Associate Professor Department of Computer Science, Michigan State University, USA |
2008-12-23 | 2008年12月23日(星期二),10:30~11:30,蒙民伟楼404会议室 Short-Term Prediction of Time Series Based on Element Oriented Analysis Mr. Yihao Zhang PhD Candidate Computing Department, ICS Division, Macquarie University |
2008-12-4 | 2008年12月4日(星期四),14:30~15:30,蒙民伟楼404会议室 Isolation Forest for Anomaly Detection Kai Ming Ting Associate Professor, Monash University, Australia |
2008-11-7 | 2008年11月7日(星期五),16:00~17:00,蒙民伟楼109报告厅 Recent Advances in Transfer Learning Qiang Yang Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
2008-10-25 | 2008年10月25日(星期六),14:30~15:30,蒙民伟楼404会议室 Mining Chronic Hepatitis Data in Active Mining Project Einoshin Suzuki Professor Department of Informatics, Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University |
2008-10-24 | 2008年10月24日(星期五),14:30~15:30,蒙民伟楼404会议室 Discovering Interesting Exception Rules with Rule Pair Einoshin Suzuki Professor Department of Informatics, Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University |
2008-10-16 | 2008年10月16日(星期四),10:30~11:30,蒙民伟楼404会议室 Integration of Statistical and Neural Approaches to Train Classification and Prediction Algorithms Sarunas Raudys A head of data analysis department Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius, Lithuania |
2008-10 | 2008年10月7~13日, 下午, 蒙民伟楼109报告厅 Introduction to Multiple Classifier Systems Fabio Roli Full Professor, University of Cagliari, Italy.
2008-7-25 | 2008年7月25日(星期五)10:00-11:00,蒙民伟楼404会议室 Mining Data Streams Philip Yu, Professor and Wexler Chair, University of Illinois at Chicago, ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
2008-6-23 | 2008年6月23日(星期一)10:30-11:30,蒙民伟楼404会议室 Support Vector Machines Made Simpler Ivor Tsang Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
2008-6-20 | 2008年6月20日(星期五)10:00-11:00,蒙民伟楼404会议室 Blog Communities and Influential Bloggers Huan Liu Associate professor, Arizona State University
2008-6-17 | 2008年6月17日(星期二)10:30-11:30,蒙民伟楼404会议室 Extensions of Independent Component Analysis for Non-independent Sources or Nonlinear Mixtures Kun Zhang Postdoctoral fellow, Chinese University of Hong Kong
2008-6-12 | 2008年6月12日(星期四)16:00-17:00,南航报告厅 Computational Analysis of Drosophila Gene Expression Patterns Jieping Ye Assistant Professor,Arizona State University
2008-6-11 | 2008年6月11日(星期三)10:30-11:30,蒙民伟楼404会议室 Automated Annotation of Drosophila Gene Expression Patterns Using a Controlled Vocabulary Jieping Ye Assistant Professor,Arizona State University
2008-5-6 | 2008年5月6日(星期二)10:30-11:30,蒙民伟楼404会议室 Lower Bounds for Data Structures Yitong Yin Ph.d. candidate at Computer Science Department, Yale University
2008-4-2 | 2008年4月2日(星期三) 16:30-17:30 蒙民伟楼404会议室 Bayesian Ying Yang Harmony Learning Lei Xu (徐雷) 香港中文大学计算机科学与工程系Chair Professor 北京大学长江学者讲座教授 IEEE Fellow,IAPR Fellow,欧洲科学院院士 http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~lxu/ |