Description: The package includes the python code of the RecForest for reconstruction-based anomaly detection
[1] Yi-Xuan Xu, Ming Pang, Ji Feng, Kai Ming Ting, Yuan Jiang, Zhi-Hua Zhou. Reconstruction-based Anomaly Detection with Completely Random Forest. In Proceedings of the SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), Virginia, U.S, 2021.
ATTN: This package is free for academic usage. You can run it at your own risk. For other purposes, please contact
Prof. Zhi-Hua Zhou.
Requirement: See requirements.txt. You will also need a C-Compiler to compile the Cython files.
ATTN2: This package was developed by
Mr.Yi-Xuan Xu. For any problem concerning the code, please feel free to contact Mr.Yi-Xuan Xu (
code (68Kb)