Description: This package includes a multi-class cost-sensitive learning method Rescalenew. This is a general method which can be realized in many ways such as instance-weighting, sampling, threshold-moving, etc. This package includes five implementations of the method, that is, instance-weighting+C4.5, over-sampling+C4.5, under-sampling+C4.5, threshold-moving+NN and threshold-moving+PETs (probability estimation trees).
References: Z.-H. Zhou and X.-Y. Liu. On multi-class cost-sensitive learning. Computational Intelligence, in press. (Early version at AAAI'06)
ATTN: This package is free for academic usage. You can run it at your own risk. For other purposes, please contact Prof. Zhi-Hua Zhou (
Requirement: The package was developed with MATLAB (2008b). The Java routines can be called in MATLAB environment.
ATTN2: This package was developed by Ms. Xu-Ying Liu ( For any problem concerning the code, please feel free to contact Ms. Liu.
code (5.4Mb)