Hai-Long Sun
M.Sc. Student, LAMDA Group Supervisor: Han-Jia Ye(叶翰嘉) Laboratory: Yifu Building, Xianlin Campus of Nanjing University Email: sunhl@lamda.nju.edu.cn |
Currently I'm a graduate student of School of Artificial Intelligence in Nanjing University and a member of LAMDA Group, which is led by Prof. Zhi-Hua Zhou.
I received my B.Sc. degree from College of Computer Science & Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in June 2023 (GPA ranked 1 / 120). In the same year, I was admitted to study for a M.Sc. degree in Nanjing University, under the supervision of Assistant Researcher Han-Jia Ye without entrance examination.
My research interests include Machine Learning and Data Mining. Currently, I focus on Pre-trained Model-Based Class-Incremental Learning and Multimodal Large Language Models.
We introduce Parrot, a novel method that utilizes textual guidance to drive visual token alignment at the language level. Parrot makes the visual tokens condition on diverse language inputs and uses Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) to promote the alignment of multilingual tokens. Moreover, considering the current lack of benchmarks for evaluating multilingual capabilities within the field, we collect and make available a Massive Multilingual Multimodal Benchmark which includes 6 languages, 15 categories, and 12,000 questions, named as MMMB. |
We introduce PILOT, a pre-trained model-based continual learning toolbox. On the one hand, PILOT implements some state-of-the-art class-incremental learning algorithms based on pre-trained models, such as L2P, DualPrompt, and CODA-Prompt. On the other hand, PILOT also fits typical class-incremental learning algorithms (e.g., DER, FOSTER, and MEMO) within the context of pre-trained models to evaluate their effectiveness. |
We propose MOdel Surgery (MOS) to rescue the model from forgetting previous knowledge. To mitigate parameter-level forgetting, we present an adapter merging approach to learn task-specific adapters, which aims to bridge the gap between different components while reserve task-specific information. Besides, to address retrieval-level forgetting, we introduce a training-free self-refined adapter retrieval mechanism during inference, which leverages the model’s inherent ability for better adapter retrieval. |
We propose Expandable Subspace Ensemble (EASE) for PTM-based CIL. To enable model updating without conflict, we train a distinct lightweight adapter module for each new task, aiming to create task-specific subspaces. These adapters span a high-dimensional feature space, enabling joint decision-making across multiple subspaces. As data evolves, the expanding subspaces render the old class classifiers incompatible with new-stage spaces. Correspondingly, we design a semantic-guided prototype complement strategy that synthesizes old classes’ new features without using any old class instance. |
We present a comprehensive survey of the latest advancements in PTM-based CL. We categorize existing methodologies into three distinct groups, providing a comparative analysis of their similarities, differences, and respective advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, we offer an empirical study contrasting various state-of-the-art methods to highlight concerns regarding fairness in comparisons. |
2022, CCF Elite Collegiate Student Award
2020/2022, National Scholarship for Undergraduates
2022, Grand Prize(全国唯一特等奖), China Collegiate Computing Contest - Network Technology Challenge in Track A
2022, Bronze Medal, ACM-ICPC Asia East Continent Final Contest
2020, Second Prize, The First China AI Guandan Algorithm Competition
2022, Gold Medal, Jiangsu Collegiate Programming Contest
2022, Meritorious Winner in MCM/ICM
2023, Outstanding Graduate of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
2023, 全国单打亚军、团体季军, 第26届全国大学生网球锦标赛总决赛
2024, 江苏省单打冠军、团体冠军, 2024年江苏省大学生网球锦标赛
2024, Champion, The Second Scientific Figure Captioning Challenge (in IJCAI'24)
2024.03~2024.10, Alibaba, AIDC-AI Business, MLLM Research Intern
2024.10~now, Tecent, TEG Group, 机器学习平台部, Hunyuan Research Intern
Introduction to Machine Learning. (For undergraduate students; Autumn, 2023)
Conference Reviewer: CVPR'24, IJCAI'24, NeurIPS'24, ICLR'25, CVPR'25, ICML'25
Email: sunhl@lamda.nju.edu.cn
Address: Hai-Long Sun, National Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University Xianlin Campus Mailbox 603, 163 Xianlin Avenue, Qixia District, Nanjing 210023, China.
(南京市栖霞区仙林大道163号, 南京大学仙林校区603信箱, 软件新技术国家重点实验室, 210023.)