Modeling activity-dependent neural plasticity for human behavior recognition
Yaochu Jin
Department of Computing, University of Surrey, UK
Abstract :
Spiking neural networks are considered to be computationally more
powerful than conventional neural networks. In this talk, we will propose a
substantial extension of the Bienenstock, Cooper, and Munro (BCM) spiking
neural network model, in which the plasticity parameters are regulated by a
gene regulatory network (GRN). Meanwhile, the dynamics of the GRN is
dependent on the activation levels of the BCM neurons. We term the whole
model GRN-BCM. To demonstrate its computational power, we first compare the
GRN-BCM with a standard BCM, a hidden Markov model and a reservoir computing
model on a complex time series classification problem. Simulation results
indicate that the GRN-BCM significantly outperforms the compared models. The
GRN-BCM is then applied to two widely used datasets for human behavior
recognition. Comparative results on the two datasets suggest that the
GRN-BCM is very promising for human behavior recognition.
Yaochu Jin received the B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees from Zhejiang
University, Hangzhou, China, in 1988, 1991, and 1996, respectively, and the
Dr.-Ing. Degree from Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, in 2001. Dr. Jin is
presently Professor of Computational Intelligence, Department of Computing,
University of Surrey, UK, where he heads the Nature Inspired Computing and
Engineering (NICE) Group. He was a Principal Scientist with the Honda
Research Institute Europe Germany from 2003 to 2010. His main research
interests include computational approaches to understanding evolution,
learning and development in biology, and bio-inspired approaches to complex
systems design. He has (co)edited three books and three conference
proceedings, authored a monograph, and (co)authored over 150 peer-reviewed
journal and conference papers.
Dr. Jin is an Associate Editor of BioSystems, the IEEE Transactions on
Neural Networks, the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics,
Part C: Applications and Reviews, the IEEE Transactions on Nanoscience, and
the IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine. He is Chair of the 2007, 2009,
2011 IEEE MCDM, Chair of 2011 IEEE CIDUE, and General Chair of 2012 IEEE
CIBCB. Dr. Jin has given invited Keynote / Plenary Speeches on evolutionary
aerodynamic design optimization, multi-objective machine learning, analysis
and synthesis of gene regulatory networks, and morphogenetic robotics on
several international conferences and symposia. He is a Senior Member of