| 2009-12-16 | 2009年12月16日(星期三)10:30-11:30,蒙民伟楼604会议室 Learning with Histogram Intersection Kernel Jianxin Wu Assistant Professor Nanyang Technological University, Singapore |
| 2009-11-5 | 2009年11月5日(星期四)9:30-10:30,蒙民伟楼404会议室 TaskTracer Machine Learning Applied to Improve Desktop Computing Thomas Dietterich Professor Oregon State University, USA |
| 2009-11-5 | 2009年11月5日(星期四)14:00-16:00,蒙民伟楼404会议室 Analyzing Information Diffusion Process over Social Networks Hiroshi Motoda Professor Osaka University and AFOSR/AOARD, Japan |
| 2009-11-5 | 2009年11月5日(星期四)16:30-17:30,蒙民伟楼404会议室 Active Learning for Regression: Algorithms and Applications Masashi Sugiyama Associate Professor Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan |
| 2009-11-1 | 2009年11月1日(星期日)16:00-17:00,蒙民伟楼404会议室 Discovering causal structures using non-Gaussian structural equation models Takashi Washio Professor Osaka University, Japan |
| 2009-10-29 | 2009年10月30日(星期五)14:30-15:30,蒙民伟楼404会议室 A framework for monitoring classifiers' performance: when and why failure occurs? Nitesh Chawla Assistant Professor University of Notre Dame, USA |
| 2009-10-29 | 2009年10月29日(星期四)14:30-15:30,蒙民伟楼404会议室 Learning from Imbalanced Data Nitesh Chawla Assistant Professor University of Notre Dame, USA |
| 2009-9-29 | 2009年10月13日(星期二)10:30-11:30,蒙民伟楼404会议室 同时实现分类和聚类的学习框架 陈松灿 教授 南京航空航天大学 |
| 2009-9-29 | 2009年9月29日(星期二)10:00-11:00,蒙民伟楼404会议室 Optimal Reverse Prediction: A Unified Perspective on Supervised, Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Learning Linli Xu Ph.D. Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta, Canada |
| 2009-9-20 | 2009年9月20日(星期日)10:30-11:30,蒙民伟楼404会议室 Face biometrics: Are there any limits to performance? Josef Kittler Distinguished Professor,英国皇家工程院院士,IEEE Fellow,IAPR Fellow Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing,University of Surrey, UK |
| 2009-8-10 | 2009年8月10日(星期一)15:00-16:00,蒙民伟楼404会议室 Simultaneous (Co)-Clustering and Modeling for Large Scale Data Mining Applications Joydeep Ghosh Schlumberger Distinguished Centennial Chair Professor, IEEE Fellow Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, USA |
| 2009-8-9 | 2009年8月9日(星期日)16:00-17:00,蒙民伟楼404会议室 Clustering and Co-clustering with Bregman Divergences Joydeep Ghosh Schlumberger Distinguished Centennial Chair Professor, IEEE Fellow Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, USA |
| 2009-6-4 | 2009年6月4日(星期四)10:30-11:30,蒙民伟楼404会议室 Financial Fraud Detection and Prevention with Data Mining Techniques Hui Xiong Associate Professor Management Science and Information Systems Department, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey |
| 2009-5-27 | 2009年5月27日(星期三)10:30-11:30,蒙民伟楼404会议室 Weakly Supervised Learning of Topic Model Hang Li Dr. Microsoft Research Asia |
| 2009-4-23 | 2009年4月23日(星期四)15:00-16:00,蒙民伟楼404会议室 Imbalanced Data: When It Becomes a "Pain" and How to "Ease" It Charles Ling Professor Department of Computer Science, University of Western Ontario, Canada |
| 2009-4-19 | 2009年4月19日(星期日)15:00-16:00,蒙民伟楼404会议室 Fragment-HMM: A new approach to protein structure prediction Dongbo Bu Dr., Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences |