| 2013-12-24 | 2013年12月24日(星期二) 10:30-11:30, Computer Science and Technology Building, Room 229 Multiple kernel learning by incorporating data radius information Dr. Lei Wang School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, University of Wollongong |
| 2013-12-23 | 2013年12月23日(星期一) 10:30-11:30, Computer Science and Technology Building, Room 229 For real-time data analystics Professor Bingsheng He Nanyang Technological University, Singapore |
| 2013-12-16 | 2013年12月16日(星期二) 10:30-11:30, Computer Science and Technology Building, Room 229 Object-level image segmentation: from interactive to automatic Professor Cai Jianfei Nanyang Technological University, Singapore |
| 2013-12-02 | 2013年12月02日(星期一) 10:30-11:30, Computer Science and Technology Building, Room 230 Learning through deterministic assignment of hidden parameters Dr. 林绍波 西安交通大学数学与统计学院 |
| 2013-11-19 | 2013年11月19日(星期二) 11:15-12:00, Computer Science and Technology Building, Room 230 Deep learning in object detection, segmentation and recognition Professor Xiaogang Wang Department of Electronic Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong |
| 2013-11-19 | 2013年11月19日(星期二) 10:30-11:15, Computer Science and Technology Building, Room 230 Mining middle level representation for complex human action recognition Professor Yu Qiao Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, the |
| 2013-11-18 | 2013年11月18日(星期一) 10:30-11:30, Computer Science and Technology Building, Room 230 Local Search for Constraint Satisfaction Professor Abdul Sattar Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence ,Griffith University |
| 2013-10-27 | 2013年10月27日(星期日) 10:30-11:30, Computer Science and Technology Building, Room 230 Learning Representations from Data Dr. 朱军 清华大学计算机科学与技术系 |
| 2013-10-27 | 2013年10月27日(星期日) 9:30-10:30, Computer Science and Technology Building, Room 230 Privacy Preserving Data Releasing for Smooth Queries Professor 王立威 北京大学信息科学技术学院 |
| 2013-10-25 | 2013年10月25日(星期五) 10:00-11:00, Computer Science and Technology Building, Room 230 Pareto-Based Multiobjective Machine Learning Professor Yaochu Jin University of Surrey, UK |
| 2013-10-24 | 2013年10月24日(星期四)10:00-11:30, 仙林计算机系大楼233 Turing, Learning and Meta-Reasoning Prof. Stephen H. Muggleton Imperial College,UK |
| 2013-9-23 | 2013年9月23日(星期一)10:00-11:30, 仙林计算机系大楼233 Towards the Usage of Model Based Testing in the Standardization of Telecommunication Systems Prof. Jens Grabowski Institute of Computer Science, University of Göttingen |
| 2013-06-04 | 2013年06月04日(星期二)14:00-15:00, 仙林计算机系大楼230 Cognitive Computing and Cognitive Robots Dr. Huajin Tang Institute of Infocomm, Singapore |
| 2013-05-28 | 2013年05月28日(星期二)10:30-11:30, 仙林计算机系大楼230 Recovering the Optimal Solution by Dual Random Projection Associate Prof. Rong Jin Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Michigan State University |
| 2013-05-12 | 2013年05月12日(星期日)10:30-11:30, 仙林计算机系大楼230 Convex Methods for Representation Learning Prof. Dale Schuurmans Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta |
| 2013-04-23 | 2013年04月23日(星期二)10:30-11:30, 仙林计算机系大楼230 Dense Subgraph of Graphs&Hypergraphs Dr. Shuicheng Yan Department of Electrical and Computer engineering, National University of Singapore |
| 2013-04-15 | 2013年04月15日(星期一)14:30-15:30, 仙林计算机系大楼230 New understanding of boosting methods Senior Lecturer Chunhua Shen School of Computer Science, The University of Adelaide |
| 2013-04-11 | 2013年04月11日(星期三)14:30-15:30, 仙林计算机系大楼230 深度学习 - 大数据时代机器学习的新浪潮 Professor 余凯 百度公司多媒体组技术副总监 |
| 2013-03-27 | 2013年03月27日(星期三)14:30-15:30, 仙林计算机系大楼230 Pursuit of Low-dimensional Structures in High-dimensional Data Professor Yi Ma Visual Computing Group, MSRA and Electrical and Computer Engineering, UIUC |
| 2013-03-26 | 2013年03月26日(星期二)10:30-11:30, 仙林计算机系大楼230 Network Analysis: Characterising structure, complexity and learning Professor Edwin R. Hancock Department of Computer Science at the University of York |
| 2013-03-25 | 2013年03月25日(星期一)10:30-11:30, 仙林计算机系大楼230 Image Modeling Using G-E Random Graphs Professor Luo Bin Anhui University |
| 2013-03-18 | 2013年03月18日(星期一)10:30-11:30, 仙林计算机系大楼230 Truncated Power Method for Sparse Eigenvalue Problems Postdoctoral Research Associate Xiao-Tong Yuan Department of Statistical Science, Cornell University |