Title: Learning from Mobile Breadcrumb: Tackling Digital Bottleneck
Rong Zhang
Research Assistant
University of Southampton, UK
The next generation heterogonous wireless systems will be revolutionized by the cloud and will start evolving from the traditional systems through cognition to a more intelligent instantiation. Perhaps, the most important revolution will be in the wireless access infrastructure as huge amount of traffic will be experienced, resulting in
digital bottleneck. This change has also been considered by the standardization bodies in the context of Self Organized Networks (SON). However, the current SONs are still in their infancy. They are
adaptive rather than being 'intelligent'.
On the other hand, the large amount of data generated by the wireless systems provides enormous amounts of information for us to gather, parse, analyses, understand and infer. This Data Mining aspect together with Machine Learning technique helps us plan our network efficiently and optimally, which jointly serve as a powerful instrument of improving the network performance to avoid the
digital bottleneck.
Rong Zhang received his PhD (2009) from University of Southampton, UK. He was a research assistant at the Mobile Virtual Center of Excellence (MVCE), UK and is now a senior research staff at the Communications, Signal Processing and Control (CSPC) group. He has more than 20 journal publications in the prestigious IEEE and also actively contributes to various internationally collaborative research projects, such as the Core 4 Delivery Efficiency Programme of MVCE, the Phase-I (Theme 7) and Phase-II (Group 3) of IUATC, and the UK-China Science Bridge. He is the member of IEE and IEEE and He is the recipient of joint Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and MVCE scholarship. Currently he is a visiting scholar at LAMDA, with the support of WUN Fund (Worldwide Universities Network).