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© LAMDA 2005-2010


蔡登 博士 [Homepage]
Deng Cai is currently an associate professor in the College of Computer Science at Zhejiang University, China. He received the PhD degree in computer science from University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign in 2009. Before that, he received his Bachelor's degree and a Master's degree from Tsinghua University in 2000 and 2003 respectively, both in automation. His research interests include machine learning, data mining and information retrieval.

耿直 教授 [Homepage]


James Kwok 教授 [Homepage]

James T. Kwok received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He then joined the Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University as an Assistant Professor. He returned to the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2000 and is now an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. His research interests include kernel methods, machine learning, pattern recognition and artificial neural networks. Currently, Dr. Kwok is serving as Associate Editors for the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and the Neurocomputing journal. He also received the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks Outstanding 2004 Paper Award in 2006, and the 2008 Natural Science Award (Class II) from the Ministry of Education, China. in 2009.

李航 博士 [Homepage]

日本京都大学电子电气工程系毕业,日本东京大学计算机科学博士。曾任职于日本NEC公司中央研究所,2001年至今任职于微软亚洲研究院,现任高级研究员与主任研究员。南京大学兼职教授,北京大学,南开大学,西安交通大学客座教授。李航的研究方向包括自然语言处理,信息检索,统计机器学习,及数据挖掘。李航一直活跃在自然语言处理, 信息检索及相关领域,并在重要的国际学术杂志和国际学术会议上发表过五十多篇论文。他最近的学术活动包括AIRS-2008程序委员会主席,SIGIR-2008 Poster & Demo委员会主席, PAKDD-2008程序委员会领域主席, 《ACM Transaction on Asian Language Information Processing》副主编, 《Journal of Computer Science and Technology》,《Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing》等杂志编委。在NEC任职期间,李航从事了NEC文本数据挖掘产品的开发。现在,他在微软继续从事文本数据挖掘,信息抽取,信息检索方面的研究,并参与了Microsoft SQL Server 2005, Microsoft Office 2007的开发。

Charles Ling 教授 [Homepage]
Dept. Computer Science at the University of Western Ontario, Canada
Charles X. Ling earned his dual-BSc (Computer Science and EE) from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China. Then he studied in the Dept. Computer and Information Science at University of Pennsylvania, and obtained both MSc and PhD within four years. Since then he has been a faculty member in the Dept. Computer Science at the University of Western Ontario, Canada. He is currently a Full Professor, and the Director of Data Mining and Business Intelligence Lab. His main research areas include machine learning, data mining, and cognitive modeling and child education. He has published over 120 peer-reviewed research papers in journals and international conferences. He is an Associate Editor for IEEE TKDE, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (ACM TIST), and Computational Intelligence Journal. He has been Conference Chair, PC Chair, Senior PC Member, Area Chair, and Program Chair.

刘铁岩 博士 [Homepage]
Tie-Yan Liu is a lead researcher at Microsoft Research Asia. He leads a team working on learning to rank for information retrieval, and large-scale graph learning. So far, he has more than 70 quality papers published in referred conferences and journals and over 50 filed US / international patents or pending applications. He is the co-author of the Best Student Paper for SIGIR (2008), and the Most Cited Paper for the Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (2004~2006). He is a Program Committee Co-Chair of RIAO (2010), an Area Chair of SIGIR (2008~2010) and AIRS (2009, 2010), a Co-Chair of SIGIR workshop on learning to rank for IR (2007~2009) and ICML workshop on learning to rank (2010), and a Program Committee member of many other international conferences such as WWW, ICML, KDD, WSDM, and ACL. He is on the Editorial Board of the Information Retrieval Journal (IRJ), and is a guest editor of the special issue on learning to rank of IRJ. He has given tutorials on learning to rank at several conferences including SIGIR (2008, 2010), WWW (2008, 2009), and AIRS (2008). Prior to joining Microsoft, he obtained his Ph.D. in electronic engineering from Tsinghua University. He is a senior member of the IEEE.

杨强 教授 [Homepage]
研究领域包括人工智能、规划及动作识别(Activity Recognition)、机器学习 (迁移学习)、以及数据挖掘。IEEE Fellow,AAAI会员, ACM会员。任IEEE Intelligent Systems等杂志的编委, 曾担任IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering编委。以及Computational Intelligence Journal、Applied Artificial Intelligence Journal的客座编委. 于1989 年获美国马里兰大学博士(University of Maryland). 1989 年至2001 年任加拿大University of Waterloo and Simon Fraser University 教授。获2004及2005年ACM KDDCUP 冠军。任 2010 ACM KDD PC Co-Chair 及 2010 ACM IUI Conference Co-chair. IJCAI 2009, ACL/IJCNLP 2009 及ACML 2009 特邀报告人。

张敏灵 博士 [Homepage]
Min-Ling Zhang received his BSc, MSc, and PhD degrees in computer science all from the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University, China, in 2001, 2004 and 2007 respectively. He is currently an associate professor at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. He served as the program committee member of several referred conferences such as ICML'10, KDD'10, CIKM'09, etc. He Co-organized the First International Workshop on Learning from Multi-Label Data (MLD'09, in conjunction with ECML/PKDD 2009), and the Second International Workshop on Learning from Multi-Label Data (MLD'10, in conjunction with ICML/COLT 2010). He has also been the Co-Speaker of ECML/PKDD 2009 tutorial on Learning from Multi-Label Data, and the Co-Guest Editor of Machine Learning Journal special issue on Learning from Multi-Label Data. His main research interests include machine learning and data mining.

张丽清 教授 [Homepage]
研究兴趣包括多模态计算理论与信息编码、神经信息学与神经网络、仿脑计算理论、视觉计算理论、统计学习理论。近年以来在《IEEE Trans. Neural Networks》,《IEEE Trans. Signal Processing》, 《IEEE Signal Processing Letters》,《Signal Processing》,《Neural Computation》,《Neurocomputing》和IEEE神经网络学会等国际学术会议上发表论文140余篇,其中国际刊物38篇,国内刊物34篇。收录SCI 31篇;发表论文在SCI上已经被引用共达100余次。


Industrial Track Invited Speakers:

李友林 研发主管
谷歌中国工程部技术主管,具有多年搜索引擎,在线广告,云计算,大型分布式系统,互联网应用,电子商务等领域的开发设计经验。近年在谷歌从事与机器学习相关的社区数据挖掘,相关推荐等的研发项目。1988-1992 武汉大学学士;1993-1997 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 (University of Wisconsin-Madison)双硕士;1997-1999 Verizon Inc. 系统顾问工程师 (Advisory System Engineer);1999 - 2002 Commerce One Inc., 软件工程师主管 (Lead Software Engineer;2002 - 2004 Active Matrix Inc. 系统架构师 (Chief Architect);2004 - 2005 Yahoo Inc. 工程部经理 (Engineering Manager);2005 - 2007 Microsoft Inc. 研发主管 (Development Manager);2008 - Present Google Inc. 工程部技术主管 (Technical Lead)

王海峰 博士 [Homepage]

薛贵荣 博士 [Homepage]
上海交通大学博士。2006年年底进入上海交通大学计算机科学与工程系工作。目前的研究领域为海量数据挖掘、互联网搜索与机器学习。近四年来共发表国际论文60多篇,申请美国发明专利8项。其中30余篇论文被发表在国际重要期刊ACM TOIS, IEEE TKDE, DMKD与重要会议ACM SIGIR,ACM SIGKDD, ACM WWW, NIPS, ICML, AAAI, ACL等;多次获得APWeb与PKDD等会议优秀论文奖。博士毕业论文获得2006年度中国计算机学会“优秀博士论文”奖,2008年获得上海市优秀博士论文,2009年获得全国百篇优秀博士论文提名奖,中国计算机学会YOCSEF上海分论坛十周年之青年IT新锐。2009年获得国家教学成果二等奖。

岳亚丁 博士
专家研究员,力学博士,留美计算机硕士。 13年金融、电信、互联网行业的数据挖掘项目经验,曾在Microsoft公司从事行为定向广告研究。主导或参与数量众多的项目,涉及:用户获取和流失预测、网络广告、用户兴趣建模、个性化推荐、欺诈检测、业务指标预测等。针对业务问题,主张综合运用机器学习、离散事件仿真、系统动力学仿真、运筹学/最优化等各类技术,以取得项目的最佳效果。