MLA'20 - The 18th China Symposium on Machine Learning and Applications



顶会论文交流环节拟邀请过去一年在ICML、NeurIPS、COLT、KDD、IJCAI、AAAI、CVPR、ICCV等顶级国际会议上发表论文的作者前来交流。交流形式为 “Spotlight”。作者就论文内容以短视频形式做报告,时间为2分钟(120秒)。值得一提的是,简短报告最好具有一定的吸引性,那样有助于吸引更多参会者了解您的研究工作。

如果您希望得到成果展示的机会,请按照此格式提交申请表。该申请表将由专家进行评审,通过评审的申请人将获得 Spotlight展出的机会。
  1. 报告人可以是教师,也可以是学生;
  2. 研讨会只提供展示和交流的机会,不出版文集;
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  4. 由于报告时间有限,可能会有一些很好的Spotlight不能获得展示机会,请谅解;
  5. 重要日期:
    申请表提交截止时间: 10月15日23:59:59

  6. 申请表请通过Email发送到,并以“MLA2020顶会论文交流+姓名+论文发表地”作为邮件标题;
序号 报告人 报告人单位 论文题目 会议名称
1 孙泽群 南京大学 Knowledge Graph Alignment Network with Gated Multi-Hop Neighborhood Aggregation [paper] [poster] AAAI'20
2 谢明昆 南京航空航天大学 Partial Multi-Label Learning with Noisy Label Identification [paper] [poster] AAAI'20
3 王新 中国科学技术大学 Fine-Grained Similarity Measurement between Educational Videos and Exercises [paper] [poster] ACM MM'20
4 巩国强 北京大学王选计算机研究所 Learning Temporal Co-Attention Models for Unsupervised Video Action Localization [paper] [poster] CVPR'20
5 李春光 北京邮电大学 Stochastic Sparse Subspace Clustering [paper] [poster] CVPR'20
6 王红 西安交通大学 A Model-driven Deep Neural Network for Single Image Rain Removal [paper] [poster] CVPR'20
7 王旗龙 天津大学 ECA-Net: Efficient Channel Attention for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks [paper] [poster] CVPR'20
8 张晨麟 南京大学 Rethinking the Route Towards Weakly Supervised Object Localization [paper] [poster] CVPR'20
9 林嘉栋 华中科技大学 Nesterov Accelerated Gradient and Scale Invariance for Adversarial Attacks [paper] [poster] ICLR'20
10 储德军 合肥工业大学 Semismooth Newton Algorithm for Efficient Projections onto l1,∞-norm Ball [paper] [poster] ICML'20
11 郭兰哲 南京大学 Safe Deep Semi-Supervised Learning for Unseen-Class Unlabeled Data [paper] [poster] [ppt] ICML'20
12 吕佳祺 东南大学 Progressive Identification of True Labels for Partial-Label Learning [paper] [poster] ICML'20
13 张震宇 南京大学 Learning with Feature and Distribution Evolvable Streams [paper] [poster] ICML'20
14 董传奇 南京大学 Learning Task-aware Local Representations for Few-shot Learning [paper] [poster] IJCAI'20
15 杨天培 天津大学 Efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning via Adaptive Policy Transfer [paper] [poster] IJCAI'20
16 周芃 安徽大学 Self-paced Consensus Clustering with Bipartite Graph [paper] [poster] IJCAI'20
17 吕庚育 北京交通大学 Partial Multi-Label Learning via Probabilistic Graph Matching Mechanism [paper] KDD'20
18 邓志杰 清华大学 Understanding and Exploring the Network with Stochastic Architectures [paper] [poster] NeurIPS'20
19 李翔 南京理工大学 Generalized Focal Loss: Learning Qualified and Distributed Bounding Boxes for Dense Object Detection [paper] [poster] NeurIPS'20
20 刘乾 北京航空航天大学 Compositional Generalization by Learning Analytical Expressions [paper] [poster] NeurIPS'20
21 刘芷宁 吉林大学 MESA: Effective Ensemble Imbalanced Learning with MEta-Sampler [paper] [poster] NeurIPS'20
22 唐浩 上海交通大学 Towards Scale-Invariant Graph-related Problem Solving by Iterative Homogeneous GNNs [paper] [ppt] NeurIPS'20
23 王希梅 清华大学 Transferable Calibration with Lower Bias and Variance in Domain Adaptation [paper] [poster] [pre] NeurIPS'20
24 吴栋贤 清华大学 Adversarial Weight Perturbation Helps Robust Generalization [poster] NeurIPS'20
25 巫朝政 华南理工大学 Grasp Proposal Networks: An End-to-End Solution for Visual Learning of Robotic Grasps [paper] [poster] NeurIPS'20
26 许天 南京大学 Error Bounds of Imitating Policies and Environments [paper] [poster] NeurIPS'20
27 张宇杰 南京大学 An Unbiased Risk Estimator for Learning with Augmented Classes [paper] [poster] NeurIPS'20

序号 报告人 报告人单位 论文题目 会议名称
1 贾彬彬 东南大学 Maximum Margin Multi-Dimensional Classification [paper] [poster] AAAI'20
2 姚兴虎 南京航空航天大学 Enhancing Centralized Value Functions for Cooperative Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning [paper] [poster] AAAI'20
3 陆苏 南京大学 Distilling Cross-Task Knowledge via Relationship Matching [paper] [poster] CVPR'20
4 王振 天津大学 Training Noise-Robust Deep Neural Networks via Meta-Learning [paper] CVPR'20
5 王维埙 天津大学 Action Semantics Network: Considering the Effects of Actions in Multiagent Systems [paper] [poster] ICLR'20
6 眭亚楠 清华大学 Safe Reinforcement Learning in Constrained Markov Decision Processes [paper] [poster] ICML'20
7 王天佐 南京大学 Cost-effectively Identifying Causal Effects When Only Response Variable is Observable [paper] [poster] ICML'20
8 周聿浩 清华大学 Nonparametric Score Estimators [paper] ICML'20
9 李徵 中国科学技术大学 Learning the Compositional Visual Coherence for Complementary Recommendations [paper] [poster] IJCAI'20
10 徐碧村 南京大学 Isolation Distributional Kernel: A New Tool for Kernel based Anomaly Detection [paper] [poster] KDD'20
11 于乐 北京航空航天大学 Predicting Temporal Sets with Deep Neural Networks [paper] [poster] KDD'20
12 孔芳 上海交通大学 Online Influence Maximization under Linear Threshold Model [poster] NeurIPS'20
13 宋恺涛 南京理工大学 MPNet: Masked and Permuted Pre-training for Language Understanding [paper] [poster] NeurIPS'20
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